Want smoother/softer lips?- DIY Lemon Lip Scrub


I personally love doing DIY projects from deep conditioners, face masks to lip scrubs! i feel you save plenty of money and get the same result as you would if you was to buy a one! I know you can buy very good lipscrubs from shops like LUSH but i feel this is good if you haven’t got enough money to buy one or simply haven’t got a LUSH shop local! One of the most important things in my routine either daily or every other day is to ensure that my lips are soft, flake free and lipstick ready!

so as i mentioned in the title, this will be the recipe for lemon lip scrub, if you dont like lemons you can replace it for any favour or even none at all! So heres the recipe-

  • 1-3 tbsp of vaseline
  • 1-3 tsp of granulated sugar or brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp of honey
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice
  • you’ll also need a small container to keep it in
  1. start off by mixing together the sugar and the vaseline untill all is mixed together
  2. add in the honey (the honey will condition the lips and stop the lemon over powering)
  3. then add in the lemon juice and mix all together
  4. place in fridge until firm enough to use

when the scrub is firm enough, evenly spread the scrub over your lips! once on your lips, rub your lips together so the scrub can work properly! once the sugar has nearly disolved you need to rub it of with a towel or something and your lips will be soft and moisturised! i recommend doing this aleast 3 times a week, and i tend to do it before bed so i wake up with soft lips!

i hope this was helpful to you, let me know if you have any DIY ideas down in the comments and i’ll test them out(y)

love you

Jess xx